Friday, January 21, 2011

Today's Adventure: Cheese Truck and Bookstore.

I'm going to come right out and say it. Being a stay-at-home-mom can be a bit boring at times.  It's not that I don't have things to do (trust me, there are plenty of things to do, just no good time to do them). I think it's more that I get board of my environment. It's not easy living and working within the same four walls. So, in order to battle 'cabin fever,' Johnathan and I take walks around the neighborhood. Our biggest challenge is the weather. Today's temperature was in the low 30's, but the 10-20 something mile-an-hour winds made the air frigid. On really breezy days, I strap Johnathan facing me in his carrier, so I can easier protect his face from the chill and flying objects.  Otherwise, he is much happier sitting in his stroller where he can sit back and watch the world around him.  I hug my jacket tight around us and make sure the little guy can peak over the lapels of my pea coat as we walk down the street. Today we ventured to a mobile grilled-cheese-sandwich vendor truck that is new to the area. The wait was longer than comfortable in the chilly weather, but Johnathan didn't complain as he flirted with the people in line behind us.

After finally receiving a 'barely buzzed,' we quickly made our way to the nearest Starbucks to warm up. I didn't plan on getting a yummy drink today, but I really needed that warm healing chocolate liquid in my belly. (I can always find an excuse to get a mocha from Starbucks) Besides, we really did need a break from the wind before venturing the four blocks to our next stop, Barnes & Noble.

My main reason for hitting up the bookstore today was to take advantage of their holiday clearance, which finally was marked down to 75% off.  I have become one of those people that buy items on sale after season, then set them aside for next season to start. Lets hope I remember to pull the items back out...

As a treat for Johnathan, I took him out of the carrier and let him 'run around' while we warmed up at the bookstore.  He really loves wheels.  Books with wheels, how can you go wrong?

Johnathan brought both books to the other side of the chair, and thought it was fun to pick them up and drop then over the armrest.

This photo was taken 3 1/2 moths ago. I added it here because I love to see how much he's grown! He was just starting to pull himself up at this age.

After a good amount of playing with wheels and pushing buttons on interactive books, I could tell he was getting tired and hungry, as was I. So without too much complaint, Johnathan went back into the carrier, I wrapped us up in our hats, scarf, and jacket, and we made our way back though the neighborhood.

On our adventure home, I saw this binky clipped to a tree.  I couldn't figure out if there is a really sad little child out there, or if there is a really happy tree right here. 

The rest of our adventure was uneventful, though quite cold and blustery. Thankfully we have a warm home to return to and a comfy couch for snuggling on.

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